Tuesday, September 13, 2011

BONUS QUEST 1: Bonus Challenge!
Get 3 Hobby Horse Rakes: Clicking the green “Ask Friends” button will post the request to your Newsfeed. Only a total of 3 friends can click on the request in their Newsfeed to help complete the request, then once all 3 requests are fulfilled, any additional friends will receive the message “Whoa there! You can only help your friend once per feed. Look out for the next one!” (Can ask again after 5 hours) Harvest 70 Cove Cranberries Improve the Cove to Level 4

BONUS QUEST 1 REWARDS: 500 XP, 1 Gnome, and 2,500 Coins

BONUS QUEST 2: Bonus Challenge! 
Harvest 90 Chandler Blueberries Expand to a Harbor Homestead Make Wild Blueberry Pie Twice: Clicking the green “Craft Now” button will bring you into the Craftshop where you can craft the pie twice

BONUS QUEST 2 REWARDS: 1,000 XP, 1 Tulip Poplar, and 2,500 Coins

BONUS QUEST 6: Bonus Challenge! 
Harvest Lighthouse Cove Make Black Raspberry Wine Twice: Clicking the green “Craft Now” button will bring you into the Craftshop where you can craft the pie twice Harvest the Zoo

BONUS QUEST 3 REWARDS: 500 XP, 1 Gorilla, 10 Animal Feeds, and 2,500 Coins


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