Wednesday, September 07, 2011

It's Story Time!..

Love FarmVille? Want to be the first player to play FarmVille's upcoming feature? Then show off your skills and tell a FarmVille Story! By using images of your own farm and adding text, create a FarmVille tale that captures the essence of your favorite game. Paint the best story and be one of the 25 lucky Farmers to have early access FarmVille's newest expansion, Lighthouse Cove!. 


Farms do not have to have any specific "theme" to win. Just show us your best work! Farm Art is allowed. For your entry to be eligible, it must be posted in this thread. The FarmVille team will select 25 favorite farm stories No photoshopped (or edited) images are allowed. And yes, we can tell. No flaming or insulting pictures that other players have posted. Posting will start at 7 PM PST Tuesday 9/6. Posting will end at 3 PM PST Friday 9/9. We will announce the 25 winners on Friday 9/9. Make sure you are creative! The FarmVille team will be judging the pictures based off of originality, effort and presentation. You are not allowed to make an empty post to "reserve" your space for later. Posting ealry in the thread does not help you win!


One entry per person with a maximum of 7 images. Be creative. Tell a story in 20 sentences or less. Please keep your entries Rated G! We cannot publicly display graphic or inappropriate content on our Fan Page, so if you wish to be a winner, keep it clean! No inappropriate content is allowed in the photos. (The forum rules still apply) Pictures must be original. No going and getting an image off of the internet. Your entry must be an image of your Farm. No posting images of your friends or neighbors farms. If you are selected as one of our winners, you must provide us with your Facebook User ID. These user ID’s can be sent to TerriHelper via Forum PM. (Please do not send your User ID number to me unless you are selected as a winner!) Do NOT post your Facebook User ID on the forums. Entries that are sent to any members of the FarmVille team via PM or email will not be considered valid. No spamming of the thread is allowed. This includes any content that is not relevant to the Decorating Contest. One entry per person,per week. Choose wisely! (This means that creating an additional forum account to post multiple entries is NOT allowed.)

''Not only Lighthouse Cove will have exclusive animals, but there will also be new crops like the Lady Slipper and the Chandler Blueberry. Will you be ready to master more crops?''


5 winners will receive early access to Lighthouse Cove for Free and boasting privileges for LIFE! 25 winners will also be granted exclusive items and an exclusive questline that has handome rewards!

If you would like a quick tutorial on how to post an image, click here to review the following thread 
A more in-depth tutorial can be found here: Walk-through for Posting Your Contest Image


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