Monday, November 14, 2011

Amidst all of the new items on the Market tonight is none other than a new loading screen proclaiming 
all the sweet details surrounding upcoming stuffed animals of FarmVille invading store shelves!

As you can clearly see from the loading screen, a full set of adorable new collectible plushies will be made 
available to consumers of electronics supergiant Best Buy over the course of the holiday season. 
It urges users to go to for more information, yet that page is currently not available; 
we’re guessing this is due to a marketing cross-up between the two giants of their respective industries.

Judging based on leaks from other FarmVille websites, it looks as though these will be tied to virtual goods, too. Basically if you buy the plush of the Sheep, you will get an exclusive in-game 
Sheep in what we are guessing is via game card code. 
Selections include Cow, Duck, Pig, Goat, Rabbit, Chicken, Sheep, and Horse.


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